Saturday, August 13, 2011

Color Me Martha

Well, my son, Bruce Smith-Standish, reviewed my "blog" last night and provided me with his very own special type of support for this endeavor.  While he found my first "post" (as it were) a nice introduction, he replied in an "electronic letter by mail" - which I am told is an "email" that I needed to "Punch it up" and "not be afraid of color".

Our son Bruce, (shown at right during a community fair) you see, is a free spirit - one who embraces a different view of life.

In fact my husband Edwin Cabot Smith-Standish and I often ask our selves when we see Bruce "how did this happen to us?"

Still Bruce seems to have his finger on the pulse of new things, so I girded my loins and said to myself, "Martha, color your world."

To inspire me I put my favorite Vicki Carr album on our Curtis Mathis stereo, set the volume at a sensible level 3, and looked at the world around me.  Bruce said that I could choose any hue around me, so long as it expressed my passion for life.  Really!  "Passion" at my age?  Dear, naive Bruce.  Passion at this point in my life is reserved for a good 5NT hand at bridge at Shaker Heights Country Club, and maybe, if I am feeling totally out of control a nice rare steak.

And then I found it, the perfect color for my "blog".  Something not too flashy, or bold.  Yet something beyond dull boring beige.  And are you ready? How about - and dare I say it...


It is easy on the eyes, and it doesn't cause strain.  It is timeless, while evocative of things trustworthy, and familiar. It is an honest color, and flattering to all but those with olive complexions.

I was so excited that you will never guess what I did.  I called Bruce, direct dial long distance at his business, Chaps Leather Store (and how lucky was he to get Ralph Lauren to design in leather!) and told him what my color is.

"I'm proud of you mother," he said.  "Ecru is a big step for you."

And isn't that what life is about?  The adoration of your children, and personal growth.  That is what "Ecru" means to me.

What color touches you to the very marrow of your soul?

In my next post I will introduce you to my jewels.*

Yours in deepest gratitude,

Mrs. Edwin Smith-Standish

*Like Cornelia, my jewels are my children, each of whom, excels at what they do best, even Bruce.


  1. Good morning Mrs Smith-Standish,

    Ecru is certainly less offensive than beige. Well done to you for trying different decors, it is too easy to slip into the familiar.

    And isn't Bruce a darling? I bet he looks very dashing in a tux.

    I'm a big fan of Royal Blue.

    Anyway my dear, must dash. More coffee to drink, more fags to smoke.


  2. In a leather tuxedo... definitely! And black obviously... an ecru leather tuxedo wouldn't fit too well with the community crowd.

    I'm relly looking forward to meeting your... your delightful sun,... I mean SON, one of these days.

    Have a wondeful day, Mrs Smith-Standish.

  3. Ecru is a more vivid shade of beige?

    Is that like a whiter shade of pale?

  4. My Dear Mrs Smith Standish,

    You are a woman of great standing. I have located perhaps some of your jewels Here
    Was it you that stood as muse to the sculptor perchance? The resemblance is uncannily remarkable...

  5. I see a red door and I want it painted black.

  6. Hi Martha! Bruce is looking good. I like his antenna.

  7. Darling, if you see Brucie, please let him know I want my butt plug back. Stat.

  8. The attached note was delivered to me by mistake.

    Mrs Edwin Smith-Standish


    I must simply apologize for not visiting your new endeavor sooner, but the printed announcment you sent was unfortunately misplaced. Aidan's austerity measures have reduced us to just two houseboys and no matter how many times he takes them to the basement to train and discipline them, they never seem to learn how to sort the mail correctly. Not to complain, of course, but one simply must do what one can under the circumstances.

    What a nice photo of Bruce. He was always such an artistic and sensitive boy. What a coincidence! Aidan IV, or Wee Willie as we like to call him, is also living in San Francisco. He designs ergonomic leather recreation seating for a boutique in the South of Market area. I can't quite recall the name of the boutique, but it is perhaps something Mr. Sam, or perhaps Mr. Slim -- some sort of name like Mr. S. How suprising and nice to know that they are both fulfilling the talents with which they are endowed in leather!
    I imagine that it must be quite distressing for them to be so far from home and family it would be nice if they could perhaps meet for cocktails.

    And dear, the ecru is just the ne-plus ultra! I have always admired your very advanced thinking. It is almost continental!

    Mrs Aidan William Hamilton-Smythe III

  9. Elizabeth, please refrain from endearments. I must insist that you refrain from calling me "Muffy". You may Call me Martha, if you desire.

    I will have to contact Bruce to see if see if he has encountered Wee Willie. Since they are both employed in the leather crafts industry, one would think that they have at the very least bumped into one and other.

    With great fondness for our days at Porter's, I remain, and I cannot emphasize this enough,


  10. Oh Dear!
    It seems that I have some catching up to do, Madame has just been posting away....
    In my defense, I have been more than a little busy. Amongst other things I have been soaking some doilies and other linens in coffee, funny that we were both creating ecru facets to our lives on the same day.
    (It's true! I really was coffee staining yesterday).

    Your Bruce looks very handsome & it appears that he has a pleasant disposition...
    You should be right proud.

